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Designing flexible printed circuits (PCB) for OEMs and flex manufacturers.

Flex circuits are unique - not purely mechanical parts nor purely electrical parts.

There are many Flexible Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designers available, but very few know the intricacies of flex circuits!

At Flex Circuit Design Company we understand these intricacies,
because that’s all we design - flex circuits!

Flex Circuit Design Company is the foremost service bureau in the western USA specializing in flex and rigid flex circuit design. We have been in business since 1992.

Choose Flex Circuit Design Company

Choose Flex Circuit Design Company

Altium flex circuit design | Rigid Flex | Flexible PCB

About Tom Woznicki

flexible circuits

Tom Woznicki, owner of Flex Circuit Design Company, has over thirty-five years of experience in the industry and has established a reputation as an eminent authority in the fast-changing field of flex circuitry. He has his CID+ certification as a PCB designer from the IPC.  He has a Mechanical Engineering degree and an MBA from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

About Tom Woznicki

Tom Woznicki, owner of Flex Circuit Design Company, has over thirty-five years of experience in the industry and has established a reputation as an eminent authority in the fast-changing field of flex circuitry. He has his CID+ certification as a PCB designer from the IPC.  He has a Mechanical Engineering degree and an MBA from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

flex circuit design

Tom Woznicki

CID+, President at Flex Circuit Design Company

San Jose, California, United States  Contact Info

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Support for Market Leading Tools

logo of Allegro flex circuit design | reverse engineering
Kicad | flex circuit reverse engineering
Altium flex circuit design | Rigid flex
AutoCAD | flex circuit reverse engineering
CDS Logo | flex circuits | flexible printed circuits

Our Services

We Specialize in Finding the Right Solution to Your Complex Problems

flexible printed circuits | Flex Circuit Design Company

Flex circuit and rigid-flex design services

We provide design help at any stage of your project, whether you have complete schematics and CAD files or just sketches on a napkin. We can create schematics, and build part libraries that are customized for flex circuits. We design the circuit with all the features you need (controlled impedance, line length matching, current capacity, etc.) using proper flex design rules.
rigid flex | Flex Circuit Design Company

Reverse Engineering

Do you have a circuit that needs to be replaced, but you don’t know who built it and you have no drawings or CAD files? We can create the circuit design from a sample. Even is it has failed or is somewhat damaged we can create a design and often improve the circuit so the new part will be more reliable! And you will have documentation if you need to order more in the future.


Flex circuit articles and newsletters

flex circuit service bureau | Flex Circuit Design Company

Ninja Flex Circuits - Black Cover and Shielding Films

July 2014

One thing that I’ve always liked about flex circuits is that they look cool! Shiny, orange and clear so you can see those beautiful curved..
flexible circuits | flex circuit reverse engineering

How To Reverse Engineer Flex Circuits

April 2013

I love working on these projects - each is a mystery to be solved. As Hercule Poirot would say they exercise “the little grey cells”.
Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) | flexible circuits | Rigid Flex

Pictures So Good You Can See Flex Circuits!

January 2011

Big kudos to the folks at Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the continued success of their Mars rover programs.


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Freqently Asked Questions

Have Any Questions?

A flex circuit consultant specializes in the design and optimization of flexible printed circuits. At Flex Circuit Design Company, our consultants help OEMs and manufacturers create efficient, reliable flex circuits that meet specific design requirements.

A flex circuit service bureau like Flex Circuit Design Company offers comprehensive design and engineering services for flexible printed circuits. This includes design consultation, layout, and manufacturing support to ensure your flex circuits meet industry standards.

Flex circuit reverse engineering involves analyzing an existing flex circuit to understand its design and functionality. Flex Circuit Design Company specializes in this process, helping clients recreate or improve existing circuits to meet new specifications.

Flex Circuit Design Company has been a leader in flex circuit design since 1992, focusing exclusively on flex circuits. Our deep expertise and specialized knowledge allow us to create intricate designs that other PCB designers may not be able to handle.